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Open Semantic UI React Modal by double clicking an event in react big calendar

I'm trying to open a Semantic UI React Modal when user double clicks an event in react big calendar. My doubleclick event handler is

eventDoubleClick() {    
      open: true
    return <EditEvent />;

EditEvent is the class component which contains Modal. Its code is

class EditEvent extends React.Component {
 state = { open: false, startDate: moment() };
 show = dimmer => () => this.setState({ dimmer, open: true });
 close = () => this.setState({ open: false });
 open = () => this.setState({ open: true });

 constructor(props) {
  render() {
     ... Semantic UI Modal goes here
 export default EditEvent;

Haven't been able to find any help about this issue so far


  • I solved this problem by moving the Modal inside the component which had big calendar implementation and used state to set the open attribute for modal. It worked like a charm :)