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Google Maps Platform unable to create project (Google Cloud Platform service has been disabled)

My website is showing bugous google maps. I need to upgrade the code to use the new google maps api access. I have filled the google maps platform form ( but i have the following error:

Google Cloud Platform service has been disabled. Please contact your administrator to restore service.

I have and old google apps accounts (50 free users) and I have not upgraded to a google suite plan (nor intend to do so).

I have searched my g suite admin for a google cloud platform or a "google developer console" service to enable, but none are available to be enabled. (like suggested here and other links)

I have also tried to log into google cloud platform and create a billing account for my organisation (that worked), but when i try to create a new project, i have got the same error message (Google Cloud Platform service has been disabled. Please contact your administrator to restore service.)

Can anyone help me please!


  • Just found out that there's a direct link:{{your-url}}/AdminHome?hl=en#AppDetails:service=Google+Developers+Console

    You can bet this won't be supported for long if they're trying to get people away from this, so hopefully we'll have a supported answer soon.