Search code examples

Sharepoint SPFieldType information

I was working on an assignement which consists of rendering the following field types in sharepoint:

  1. Lookup
  2. MaxItems
  3. MultiChoice
  4. Choice
  5. ModStat
  6. GridChoice

I have managed to render the following field types:

  1. Lookup
  2. MultiChoice
  3. Choice

But i don't know anything about the other three.
What they are, how they look like?
I have searched in MSDN but i didn't find the help needed.

Does anyone have any information?
Is there any reference that i can refer to?
I appreciate any code, link, advice..

I figured out two of the remaining types, but i still have "MaxItems".
Can any one help me with it?


  • OK finally i managed to solve my problems:

    1. To render the type ModStat we use a dropdown of available statuses.
    2. To render the type GridChoice we use a RatingScaleField
    3. I didn't manage to get a reference for the MaxItems field in sharepoint,
      but i think it can be rendered using a numeric text box.