I'm used to (from Ada using libpq) to
open a cursor
get some key values
use those key values as bind parameters for other statements.
But I get a Npgsql.NpgsqlOperationInProgressException instead.
I once got this working with sql-server, but solved it via adding 'MARS' to the connect string (Multiple Active Record Sets)
Can I do something like that here to?
Here what I'm trying to do:
// Define a query
NpgsqlCommand cmdGetSelectionIds = new NpgsqlCommand("select distinct(R.SELECTIONID) from ARUNNERS R, AMARKETS M " +
"where true " +
"and M.MARKETTYPE = 'WIN' " +
"and R.STATUS <> 'REMOVED'", conn);
NpgsqlCommand cmdNumWins = new NpgsqlCommand("select count('a') from ARUNNERS R, AMARKETS M " +
"where true " +
"and R.SELECTIONID = @selid " +
"and M.MARKETTYPE = 'WIN' " +
"and R.STATUS = 'WINNER'", conn);
NpgsqlCommand cmdNumPlcs = new NpgsqlCommand("select count('a') from ARUNNERS R, AMARKETS M " +
"where true " +
"and R.SELECTIONID = @selid " +
"and R.STATUS = 'WINNER'", conn);
NpgsqlCommand cmdNumLosses = new NpgsqlCommand("select count('a') from ARUNNERS R, AMARKETS M " +
"where true " +
"and R.SELECTIONID = @selid " +
"and M.MARKETTYPE = 'WIN' " +
"and R.STATUS = 'LOSER'", conn);
NpgsqlDataReader drGetSelectionIds = cmdGetSelectionIds.ExecuteReader();
while (drGetSelectionIds.Read())
selid = drGetSelectionIds.GetInt32(0);
cmdNumWins.Parameters.AddWithValue("selid", selid);
using (NpgsqlDataReader drNumWins = cmdNumWins.ExecuteReader())
if (drNumWins.Read()) numWins = drNumWins.GetInt32(0);
using (NpgsqlDataReader drNumPlcs = cmdNumPlcs.ExecuteReader())
if (drNumPlcs.Read()) numPlcs = drNumPlcs.GetInt32(0);
using (NpgsqlDataReader drNumLosses = cmdNumLosses.ExecuteReader()) {
if (drNumLosses.Read()) numPlcs = drNumLosses.GetInt32(0);
Console.Write("selid : {0} \t num W {1} \t num P {2} num L {3} \t points {4}\n", selid, numWins, numPlcs, numLosses, (3.0*numWins + numPlcs )/(numWins+numLosses));
// Close connection
Yes, I could read the first statement into a list and loop over that, but I do have got quite some legacy code that is build like the above.
The problem is NpgSql only allows a single data reader to be open at a time. If you have a situation where you need more than one data reader open against the same connection at the same time, I would argue there may be a better way of reaching your end goal.
So, disclaimer... don't do this. BUT, if you wanted to do what you described above, this would be a way to accomplish it:
cmdNumWins.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@selid", NpgsqlDbType.Integer));
cmdNumPlcs.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@selid", NpgsqlDbType.Integer));
cmdNumLosses.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter("@selid", NpgsqlDbType.Integer));
List<int> idList = new List<int>();
using (NpgsqlDataReader drGetSelectionIds = cmdGetSelectionIds.ExecuteReader())
while (drGetSelectionIds.Read())
foreach (int selid in idList)
cmdNumWins.Parameters[0].Value = selid;
cmdNumPlcs.Parameters[0].Value = selid;
cmdNumLosses.Parameters[0].Value = selid;
numWins = Convert.ToInt32(cmdNumWins.ExecuteScalar());
numPlcs = Convert.ToInt32(cmdNumPlcs.ExecuteScalar());
numLosses = Convert.ToInt32(cmdNumLosses.ExecuteScalar());
Console.Write("selid : {0} \t num W {1} \t num P {2} num L {3} \t points {4}\n", selid,
numWins, numPlcs, numLosses, (3.0 * numWins + numPlcs) / (numWins + numLosses));
The better way would be to do this all as a single query:
count (1) filter (where m.markettype = 'WIN' and r.status = 'WINNER') as win,
count (1) fitler (where m.markettype = 'PLACE' and r.status = 'WINNER') as place,
count (1) filter (where m.markettype = 'WIN' and r.status = 'LOSER') as lose
arunners r
join amarkets m on m.marketid = r.marketid
r.status != 'REMOVED'
group by
I may have missed some nuances about your logic, but hopefully you get the idea. This should do in one fell swoop, quickly and efficiently, what your C# logic is doing. It will be much friendlier to the database and for large datasets should be quite a bit quicker.