It feels like a very simple question but I cannot find the right solution, so maybe I'm asking the wrong question.
I have a simple result set. Lists the same part N times. It requires N parts for each record. It also has a total quantity on hand of N.
Id | Part | QtyRequired | OnHandQty
1 | 123 | 10 | 100
2 | 123 | 5 | 100
3 | 123 | 22 | 100
How could I return the "Remaining" quantity for a result set like this..
Id | Part | QtyRequired | OnHandQty | RemainingQty
1 | 123 | 10 | 100 | 90
2 | 123 | 5 | 100 | 85
3 | 123 | 22 | 100 | 63
You can sum the quantity required per part entry:
Working Example:
Id int,
Part int,
QtyRequired INT,
OnHandQty INT
INSERT INTO @Inventory (Id, Part, QtyRequired, OnHandQty)
VALUES (1, 123, 10, 100),
(2, 123, 5, 100),
(3, 123, 22, 100)
,OnHandQty - SUM (QtyRequired) OVER (PARTITION BY Part ORDER BY Id) AS RemainingQty
FROM @Inventory
If you need to know the quantity used, you can include the following:
SUM (QtyRequired) OVER (PARTITION BY Part ORDER BY Id) AS QuantityUsed