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Methods undefined when babel transpiled ES6 to ES5

I'm having a issue with babel transpile down to ES5. For the majority of my application all other classes are compiled down correctly. One of the classes however has a problem. When it is transpiled, then none of the methods are present on the instances anymore.

When the class constructor is executed, it raises a exception:

Uncaught TypeError: this.basket.setCurrency is not a function

Here is the class.

export class Basket extends ItemSet {
  static get currencies() {
    return [
      { code: 'gbp', symbol: '£', title: 'Pounds' },
      { code: 'usd', symbol: '$', title: 'US Dollars' },
      { code: 'eur', symbol: '€', title: 'Euros' }

  constructor(currency, ...args) {
    super(...args); = window.localStorage;

  setCurrency(code) {
    // Only set the currency if it's valid for our Basket
    Basket.currencies.forEach((currency) => {
      if (currency.code == code) {
        this.currency = currency; = JSON.stringify(this.currency);

  ... <snip> ...


The class that it's extending, ItemSet can be found in basket-weaver:

export class ItemSet extends Array {

  getTotal(...args) {
    let subTotals = => { return item.getTotal(...args); });
    if (!subTotals) throw "Cannot call getTotal() on an empty ItemSet";
    return sum(...subTotals);


Finally, here is the code that is being generated by babel when it's transpiled, just pasting the relevant part for brevity:

var Basket =
function (_ItemSet3) {
  babelHelpers.inherits(Basket, _ItemSet3);

  function Basket() {
    babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Basket);
    return babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, (Basket.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(Basket)).apply(this, arguments));

  babelHelpers.createClass(Basket, [{
    key: "setCurrency",
    value: function setCurrency(code) {
      var _this7 = this;

      // Only set the currency if it's valid for our Basket
      Basket.currencies.forEach(function (currency) {
        if (currency.code == code) {
          _this7.currency = currency;
 = JSON.stringify(_this7.currency);
  }, {
    ... <snip lots of other methods & properies> ...
  return Basket;

_exports.Basket = Basket;

Last bit of background: I'm using polymer build to do the transpiling since my components are mostly polymer elements.

Does anyone know what may be causing this?


  • Turns out this is because es5 would not let you extend arrays. There are some workarounds which I found here:

    I've implemented this in basket-weaver on a special es5-compat branch.