id| name |...
1 |Emmi blaa|..
2 |Emmi haa |..
3 |Emmi naa |..
I have SQLite database with table named contacts that contain id, name and other information. I'm trying to get name and id with name variable that I give in EditText.
String query = "SELECT name, id FROM contacts WHERE name LIKE \"%" + name + "%\"";
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor cursorC = db.rawQuery(query, null);
while (cursorC.moveToNext()) {
With the code above, I'm only able to get the names, but not the id so I tried GROUP_CONCAT
String query = "SELECT id, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM contacts WHERE name LIKE \"%" + name + "%\" GROUP BY id";
Now I get the ids only. How would I get both Id and name with name variable being "mm" for example?
I believe that your issue is not that the first query was not getting the id, rather that you weren't retrieving the id column from the cursor.
The following would work :-
String query = "SELECT name, id FROM contacts WHERE name LIKE \"%" + name + "%\"";
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor cursorC = db.rawQuery(query, null);
while (cursorC.moveToNext()) {
System.out.println(cursorC.getString(0) + " : " + cursorC.getString(1));
However, ideally you should use the Cursor getLong method for retrieving id's as the id can be as large as a 64bit signed integer. So System.out.println(cursorC.getString(0) + " : " + String.valueOf(cursorC.getLong(1)));
would be better.
Additionally an improvement would be to use the Cursor's getColumnIndex(the_column_name) method. This is more flexible as the index of the column is determined according to the column's name. As such System.out.println(cursorC.getString(cursorC.getColumnIndex("name")) + " : " + String.valueOf(cursorC.getLong(cursorC.getColumnIndex("id"))));
would be recommended (it is also recommended that table and column names are defined as constants and then that those constants are used rather than hard coding the column/table names).
e.g. if the query were changed to SELECT id, name FROM contacts WHERE name LIKE \"%" + name + "%\""
then using hard-coded offsets 0 and 1 would transpose the results. However the results would be unchanged if using getColumnIndex.
If you wanted to use the 2nd query String query = "SELECT id, GROUP_CONCAT(name) FROM contacts WHERE name LIKE \"%" + name + "%\" GROUP BY id";
then note that the column names in the Cursor are id and GROUP_CONCAT(name), generally an alias would be given to the name using the AS keyword. e.g. String query = "SELECT id, GROUP_CONCAT(name) AS all_names FROM contacts WHERE name LIKE \"%" + name + "%\" GROUP BY id";
The column name in the resultant cursor would then be all_names.