I have a .net core app, hosted on PCF. Also I have Config Server installed. I want to run locally with iis express this application and load same config values as it will have when deployed to pcf, and I do not want to deploy it to Pcf Dev as I want to debug it. Is it possible? The only workaround I have is to fetch all variables into User managed secrets, but it's awful.
Steeltoe and SCS Client look at the VCAP_SERVICES
environment variable to load the configuration they use to talk with Config Server. On PCF, this environment variable is automatically populated with information based on the services that you bind to your app.
I do not know of any tool to manage/bind services locally, but you can always set environment variables manually. If you were to run cf env <app>
for an app that is bound to your Config Server, it will list the contents of the VCAP_SERVICES
env variable. Copy that output, paste it into an environment variable on your local machine. Fire up your app and Steeltoe or SCS Client should pick that information up automatically.
Hope that helps!