I have a directory containing some files and sub-directories on my local machine that is generated by a daily Python script running. And then I want to copy all those generated files in a directory to the server and then run some series of commands on it by ssh using python package paramiko.
I want to add little code to securely copy that entire directory and files and sub-directories inside it to to my server over SSH/SCP using the paramiko package of python. I can send the individual files using the same but unable to send the entire directory and its content using paramiko. It gives me IOError saying it's a directory.
IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: 'temp'
Here is the my code:
from paramiko import SSHClient, AutoAddPolicy
from scp import SCPClient
class SSh(object):
def __init__(self, address, username, password, port=22):
print "Connecting to server."
self._address = address
self._username = username
self._password = password
self._port = port
self.sshObj = None
self.scp = SCPClient(self.sshObj.get_transport())
def sendCommand(self, command):
stdin, stdout, stderr = self.sshObj.exec_command(command)
while not stdout.channel.exit_status_ready():
# Print data when available
if stdout.channel.recv_ready():
alldata = stdout.channel.recv(1024)
prevdata = b"1"
while prevdata:
prevdata = stdout.channel.recv(1024)
alldata += prevdata
print str(alldata)
print "Connection not opened."
def connect(self):
ssh = SSHClient()
ssh.connect(self._address, port=self._port, username=self._username, password=self._password, timeout=20, look_for_keys=False)
print 'Connected to {} over SSh'.format(self._address)
return True
except Exception as e:
ssh = None
print "Unable to connect to {} over ssh: {}".format(self._address, e)
return False
self.sshObj = ssh
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse and check the arguments
ssh = SSh('', 'username', 'password')
ssh.scp.put("Valigrind_BB.py") # This works perfectly fine
ssh.scp.put("temp") # IOError over here Is a directory
Thank you in advance.
Looking at the source code for SCP, it appears you can pass the parameter "recursive" as a bool to the put() method to specify transferring the contents of a directory recursively. Here is a link to the source code I am talking about. Try changing last part of your code to the following:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse and check the arguments
ssh = SSh('', 'username', 'password')
ssh.scp.put("Valigrind_BB.py") # This works perfectly fine
ssh.scp.put("temp", recursive=True) # IOError over here Is a directory
Also, if you just want to transfer files, you can try rsync as an alternative. The modification to your code above should work though. I hope this helps.