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Hive Parquet table comment

I want to add the comment on each column in Hive Parquet table. I am trying to add comment as below:

create external table parquet_db.bdv_table
registration_dttm timestamp comment 'Registration date',
id int comment 'id_for_person',
name string comment 'user_name',
email string comment 'email address'
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'parquet.hive.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe'
STORED AS parquet
Location '/user/****/***'; 

But comments are not appearing on, however DDL gets created and data is also loading. Please let me know, how to add the comments in Hive Parquet table for each column.


  • You can drop the SERDE specification from the create table statement. Just using STORED AS PARQUET will default to using

    After creating table, desc parquet_db.bdv_table should show the comment in output.