I have read this question
How to test for blank text field when using robotframework-selenium?
as well as the two links to the Robot Framework documentation in the answers but I still don't get how to check if a variable is empty.
I want to do this
if var A equals var B then
do something
do something else
where A is a string that can both contain something as well as be empty and where B is empty or null.
can be achieve using many different ways some are as follows, use whichever fits for you
this way you can check two variables equals OR not
Run Keyword If '${A}'=='${B}' do something ELSE do something
this way you can check if both of your variable are None or not in one go
Run Keyword If '${A}'=='None' And '${B}'=='None' do something
using following also you can get if your variables are equal of not if both values are equal it will return true
Should Be Equal ${A} ${B}
if both values are NOT equal it will return true.
Should Not Be Equal ${A} ${B}
for more information go through this docs
there is also ${EMPTY}
variable in robot framework which you can use to check if variable is empty or not