We have threads:
module Task
def self.execute
threads = []
threads << Thread.new { Task.execute }
We need to specify the test that checks the result:
expect(Task.execute).to eq("result")
We added a thread inside a thread:
threads << Thread.new do
deep_thread = Thread.new { Task.execute }
How can we check the result of method calls inside a thread? How can we check that the two threads finished, and also check the result of deep_thread
Test the results of method calls separately outside of the thread logic.
Then test the thread creation logic separately with something like:
let(:thread) { double }
it 'creates threads' do
expect(Thread).to receive(:new).exactly(5).times.and_return(thread)
expect(thread).to receive(:join).exactly(5).times.and_return(true)
expect(Task).to receive(:execute).exactly(5).times.and_return("xyz")
expect(subject.execute).to eq "xyz"