I've written a benchmark utility that batch queries a REST endpoint. It does it in three ways:
,Below are the results with different batch sizes:
concur_times seq_times concur_aiohttp_times
count 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000
mean 0.123786 0.235883 0.087843
std 0.009733 0.018039 0.029977
min 0.108682 0.210515 0.071560
25% 0.118666 0.222436 0.075565
50% 0.121978 0.231876 0.080050
75% 0.125740 0.242939 0.086345
max 0.169194 0.283809 0.267874
concur_times seq_times concur_aiohttp_times
count 50.000000 50.000000 50.000000
mean 0.080764 0.091276 0.052807
std 0.008342 0.016509 0.033814
min 0.069541 0.078517 0.041993
25% 0.076142 0.082242 0.044563
50% 0.079046 0.085540 0.045735
75% 0.081645 0.092659 0.049428
max 0.111622 0.170785 0.281397
As the results show, the aiohttp routine is consistently more parallel by a wide margin. What's more, with a small batch size (4), the 2nd approach of using loop.run_in_executor
("concur_times" column) achieves only a speed up of 1/9 v. the sequential method.
Why is that? Is my code at fault? I'm including it below.
I've tried swapping out the network IO for sleep
and asyncio.sleep
and that produced expected results of methods 2 and 3 being equally fast and method 1 being batch_size times slower.
import asyncio
import requests
from cytoolz.curried import *
import pandas as pd
from timeit import default_timer as now
url = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/'
def dl_todo_with_requests(session, n):
response = session.get(url + str(n))
assert(response.status_code == 200)
text = response.text
return text
dl_todo_with_requests = curry(dl_todo_with_requests)
def seq_dl(todos_to_get):
with requests.Session() as session:
todos = pipe(
map( dl_todo_with_requests(session) ),
list )
return todos
get_todos_from_futures = lambda futures: \
pipe( futures,
map( lambda fut: fut.result() ),
async def concur_dl(todos_to_get):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
with requests.Session() as session:
completed_futures, _pending = await \
map( lambda n:
lambda: dl_todo_with_requests(session, n)
todos = get_todos_from_futures(completed_futures)
return todos
import aiohttp
async def concur_dl_aiohttp(todos_to_get):
async def dl(session, todo):
async with session.get(url + str(todo)) as resp:
assert(resp.status == 200)
return resp.text()
dl = curry(dl)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
unexecuted = pipe(
map( dl(session) ),
list )
completed_futures, _pending = await asyncio.wait(unexecuted)
todos = get_todos_from_futures(completed_futures)
return todos
def check_todos_received(todos):
assert(len(todos) == len(todos_to_get))
todo_has_content = lambda todo: len(todo) > len('{}')
assert(all(map(todo_has_content, todos)))
return True
def measure_it(f):
start = now();
elapsed = now() - start
return elapsed
inspect = lambda f, it: map(do(f), it)
inspect = curry(inspect)
def bench(n_iters=50,batch_size=4):
todos_to_get = range(1,batch_size+1)
# heat caches, if any
measure_seq = lambda: pipe(
inspect(check_todos_received) )
measure_concur = lambda: pipe(
inspect(check_todos_received) )
measure_concur_aiohttp = lambda: pipe(
inspect(check_todos_received) )
do_the_bench = lambda dl_f, title: \
pipe( range(n_iters),
lambda n: \
print("doing %s/%s %s batch download" \
% (n+1,n_iters,title))),
map(lambda _: measure_it(dl_f)),
list )
concur_times = do_the_bench(measure_concur,'concurrent')
concur_aiohttp_times = do_the_bench(measure_concur_aiohttp,'concurrent_aiohttp')
seq_times = do_the_bench(measure_seq,'sequential')
return dict(
The benchmark is run like this: bench(n_iters=50,batch_size=4)
. Then pass the output through lambda output: pandas.DataFrame(output).describe()
to produce the tables.
The default executor for asyncio's run_in_executor
is ThreadPoolExecutor, which uses Python threads. So it is also affected by the GIL, as described in this thread.
In your case only one thread with asynchronous job runs at a time, resulting aiohttp to show better performance.