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What's a clean way to time code execution in Java?

It can be handy to time code execution so you know how long things take. However, I find the common way this is done sloppy since it's supposed to have the same indentation, which makes it harder to read what's actually being timed.

long start = System.nanoTime();

// The code you want to time

long end = System.nanoTime();
System.out.printf("That took: %d ms.%n", TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(end - start));

An attempt

I came up with the following, it looks way better, there are a few advantages & disadvantages:


  • It's clear what's being timed because of the indentation
  • It will automatically print how long something took after code finishes


  • This is not the way AutoClosable is supposed to be used (pretty sure)
  • It creates a new instance of TimeCode which isn't good
  • Variables declared within the try block are not accessible outside of it

It can be used like this:

 try (TimeCode t = new TimeCode()) {
     // The stuff you want to time

The code which makes this possible is:

class TimeCode implements AutoCloseable {

    private long startTime;

    public TimeCode() {
        this.startTime = System.nanoTime();

    public void close() throws Exception {
        long endTime = System.nanoTime();
        System.out.printf("That took: %d ms%n",
                TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(endTime - this.startTime));


The question

My question is:

  • Is my method actually as bad as I think it is
  • Is there a better way to time code execution in Java where you can clearly see what's being timed, or will I just have to settle for something like my first code block.


  • You solution is just fine.

    A less expressive way would be to wrap your code to be timed in a lambda.

    public void timeCode(Runnable code) {
        try {
        } catch ...
    timeCode(() -> { ...code to time... });

    You would probably like to catch the checked exceptions and pass them to some runtime exception or whatever.