I am trying to convert many pdf files into jpg but only if it has 1 page. I rather work with multi-pages pdf than images. I tried different command and get them working correctly individually, both identify
and convert
. However, I couldn't combine them to work in a folder. I haven't got to the point of conditional operation (if less than 2 pages, convert it). I am using this code
set path="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16\";%path%
FOR /r %%g in (*.pdf) DO (
for /f %%i in ('identify -format %n %%g') do set pgs=%%i
echo %pgs%
echo "%%g"
::convert %%~ng%%~xg %%~ng.jpg
::del %%~ng.pdf
It says the syntax of the command is incorrect. The commented out part is working correctly. I don't know command line very well so any help is greatly appreciated.
This is the final code that works. It does a lot of little things
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set path="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16\";%path%
FOR /d /R %%i in (*) DO (
cd "%%i"
FOR /r %%g in (*.pdf) DO (
(Echo "%%g" | FIND /I "_c_" 1>NUL )||(
for /f %%i in ('magick identify -format %%n "%%g"') do if %%i gtr 1 ren %%~ng%%~xg %%~ng_c_%%~xg