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Some Enterprise Library dependencies are not copied to the main project

I have a project (FWIW, it's a WCS project), let's call it WcfProj. WcfProj references another project, let' call this ClassLib. ClassLib references few Enterprise Library DLLs; e.g., Common, Data, ExceptionHandling, ExceptionHandling.Logging, and Logging.

Note that WcfProj does not directly reference any Enterprise Library DLL.

When I compile or publish WcfProj, I get all the DLLs referenced by WcfProj and the ones referenced by ClassLib, except ExceptionHandling.Logging.

Does anyone have an idea about why is this?

P.S., both WcfProj and ClassLib are .NET v6.4.1 projects. Enterprise Library, on the other hand, is an very old version that is compiled from source to target .NET v3.5.


    1. Check CopyToLocal for the Dll . Should be true.
    2. Also if you are not using any classes from ExceptionHandling.Logging in Classlib. then it does not get copied over.