I have App+Extension and I made shared storage like this
extension UserDefaults {
static let suiteName = "group.myApp"
static let extensions = UserDefaults(suiteName: suiteName)!
private enum Keys {
static let personNames = "personNames"
var personNames: [String] {
get {
guard let array = UserDefaults.extensions.array(forKey: Keys.personNames) as? [String] else {
return []
return array
set {
UserDefaults.extensions.setValue(newValue, forKeyPath: Keys.personNames)
But when I debug app I see memory adress A and right values (because I put values through Main app but when I debug extension I have memory addres B and no values inside.
I am using same AppGroup on both Main and Extension app and I access data like this
let personNames = UserDefaults.extensions.personNames
Is it problem that I am using free Apple Id account? I have possibility to create groups with this account so I doubt.
Ok, I found solution. I made new group with format goup.com.company.appName.sharedStorage and also I use that as suitName and everything was working.
So maybe because of free apple account there was a problem with creating app groups (because it's automatic) or maybe because group.appName format is invalid.