I want to randomly capitalize or lowercase each letter in a string. I'm new to working with strings in python, but I think because strings are immutable that I can't do the following:
i =0
for c in sentence:
case = random.randint(0,1)
print("case = ", case)
if case == 0:
sentence[i] = sentence[i].lower()
sentence[i] = sentence[i].upper()
i += 1
print ("new sentence = ", sentence)
And get the error: TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
But then how else could I do this?
You can use str.join
with a generator expression like this:
from random import choice
sentence = 'Hello World'
print(''.join(choice((str.upper, str.lower))(c) for c in sentence))
Sample output:
heLlo WORLd