I need to do recursive requests and then collect all models into one List, but not understand how to do it. Please tell me am I thinking right way?
package kindSir.main
import dispatch.Defaults._
import dispatch._
import kindSir.models._
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
object ApplicationMain extends App {
def fetchMergeRequests(startPage: Int = 1): Future[List[MergeRequest]] = {
val requestsUrl = url(s"https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/gitlab-org%2Fgitlab-ce/merge_requests?state=opened&per_page=3&page=${startPage}")
Http(requestsUrl).map { res =>
(parse(res.getResponseBody), res.getHeader("X-Next-Page").toInt) match {
case (list@JArray(_), nextPage: Int) =>
val currentList: List[MergeRequest] = MergeRequest.parseList(list).get
val nextPageListFuture: Future[List[MergeRequest]] = fetchMergeRequests(nextPage)
// And how to merge these two lists?
case (list@JArray(_), _) => MergeRequest.parseList(list).get
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"No merge requests for project found")
The main problem you're dealing with here is that you're trying to combine data you already have (List[MergeRequest]
) with the data you'll retrieve in future (Future[List[MergeRequest]]
). There are a few things you need to do to handle this scenario:
instead of map
on result of the HTTP request. This allows you to make further HTTP requests inside the recursion but map them back to a single Future
on the result of the recursion fetchMergeRequests(nextPage)
to combine the data you already have with the future data from the recursion.Future.successful()
because flatMap
requires all the pattern matches to return a Future
— except for the exception.I'm not familiar with the libraries you are using so I haven't tested it, but I think your code should work like this:
def fetchMergeRequests(startPage: Int = 1): Future[List[MergeRequest]] = {
val requestsUrl = url(s"https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/gitlab-org%2Fgitlab-ce/merge_requests?state=opened&per_page=3&page=${startPage}")
Http(requestsUrl).flatMap { res =>
(parse(res.getResponseBody), res.getHeader("X-Next-Page").toInt) match {
case (list@JArray(_), nextPage: Int) =>
val currentList: List[MergeRequest] = MergeRequest.parseList(list).get
val nextPageListFuture: Future[List[MergeRequest]] = fetchMergeRequests(nextPage)
nextPageListFuture.map(nextPageList => currentList ++ nextPageList)
case (list@JArray(_), _) =>
case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"No merge requests for project found")