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How to call a C++ dynamic library from Rust?

I want to call a C++ dynamic library (*.so) from Rust, but I don't want to build it from Rust. Like this,


In some cases, I only need to call several functions, not all the functions. How can I use it?


  • Before you go further, make sure you have a basic idea of Rust FFI (foreign function interface).

    In Rust, it's easy to call C, but hard to call C++.

    To call C functions in Rust, you just have to wrap them with extern, do some basic type casting and sometimes unsafe.

    To call C++ functions, since Rust does not have built-in knowledge of C++ features, you may have to do a lot of manual translation. For example, here is part of the documentation from Rust-Qt:

    Many things are directly translated from C++ to Rust:

    • Primitive types are mapped to Rust's primitive types (like bool) and types provided by libc crate (like libc::c_int).
    • Fixed-size numeric types (e.g int8_t or qint8) are mapped to Rust's fixed size types (e.g. i8).
    • Pointers, references and values are mapped to Rust's respective types.
    • C++ namespaces are mapped to Rust submodules.
    • C++ classes and structs are mapped to Rust structs. This also applies to all instantiations of template classes encountered in the library's API, including template classes of dependencies.
    • Free functions are mapped to free functions.
    • Class methods are mapped to structs' implementations.
    • Destructors are mapped to Drop and CppDeletable implementations.
    • Function pointer types are mapped to Rust's equivalent representation. Function pointers with references or class values are not supported.
    • static_cast and dynamic_cast are available in Rust through corresponding traits.

    Names of Rust identifiers are modified according to Rust's naming conventions.

    When direct translation is not possible:

    • Contents of each include file of the C++ library are placed into a separate submodule.
    • Method overloading is emulated with wrapping arguments in a tuple and creating a trait describing tuples acceptable by each method. Methods with default arguments are treated in the same way.
    • Single inheritance is translated to Deref and DerefMut implementation, allowing to call base class methods on derived objects. When deref coercions are not enough, static_cast should be used to convert from derived to base class.
    • Getter and setter methods are created for each public class field.

    Not implemented yet but planned:

    • Translate C++ typedefs to Rust type aliases.
    • Implement operator traits for structs based on C++ operator methods (issue). Operators are currently exposed as regular functions with op_ prefix.
    • Implement Debug and Display traits for structs if applicable methods exist on C++ side.
    • Implement iterator traits for collections.
    • Subclassing API (issue).
    • Provide access to a class's public variables (issue).
    • Provide conversion from enums to int and back (used in Qt API).
    • Support C++ types nested into template types, like Class1<T>::Class2.

    Not planned to support:

    • Advanced template usage, like types with integer template arguments.
    • Template partial specializations.
    • Template methods and functions.

    My suggestion is to wrap your C++ library as a C library, then call it the official FFI way, or use rust-bindgen to automatically do the wrapping.

    If you still want to call C++ in Rust, rustcxx seems like a handy tool. (Update: rustcxx has been archived, try CXX instead.)

    As to the library linking, it's pretty simple:

    • Put the library into your system library searching paths like /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib/, make sure it can be found by ldconfig -p.
    • Or use the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to specify the path where your library lays when you run cargo from the CLI.