I'm trying to add some custom metrics to Lighthouse. In order to do some basic checks, I need to get the raw HTML of the webpage.
I've tried without any success using driver.sendCommand
or DOM.getFlattenedDocument
) and driver.querySelectorAll('html')
and driver.evaluateAsync('document.documentElement.outerHTML')
How can I manage to get the raw HTML from Chrome into Lighthouse?
Thank you,
This should be a straightforward call to driver.evaluateAsync
from withing a gatherer. Something like:
const expression = `document.querySelector('html').outerHTML`;
const html = await passContext.driver.evaluateAsync(expression);
Inside of the afterPass
of a gatherer should be able to get the html. HTML w/o Javascript does this. Modify the expression in that gatherer to get the idea of how it should work.
Here's a really rough example of just logging the html once it's gathered from hacking on HTML w/o Javascript: