I assume this is the same command as doing it in Sinatra.
I want to server-side resize user-uploaded images to a standard width using back_door. I assume RMijick is the way to go - but I'd just like a code sample to achieve this.
I want to know whether it is a better pattern to resize and then cache with rack-pagespeed, or just check to see if the image requested has already been resized and skip the operation.
Note: I'm assuming you've installed and configured radiant and the back_door extension.
So start off with the ubuntu install:
apt-get install libmagick9-dev
Then the gem install
gem install rmagick
Then validate the gem version:
irb -rubygems -r RMagick
irb(main):001:0> puts Magick::Long_version
Then reload apache
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Then in your page do:
require 'RMagick'
if File.exists?("/var/www/grub/public/page_attachments/0000/0010/MexicanBeefSalad190.jpg")
#"file exists"
img = Magick::Image.read "/var/www/grub/public/page_attachments/0000/0010/MexicanBeefSalad.jpg"
img[0].change_geometry('190x190') { |cols, rows, img2|
img2.scale!(cols, rows)
img[0].write ("/var/www/grub/public/page_attachments/0000/0010/MexicanBeefSalad190.jpg")
#"not exists"