i have a pandas series of this form:
1950-01-31 2.0
1950-02-28 2.0
1950-03-31 1.0
1950-04-30 2.0
1950-05-31 0.0
1950-06-30 0.0
i would like to reindex passin from monthly to mins likes this:
1950-01-31 00:00:00 2.0
1950-01-31 00:01:00 2.0
1950-01-31 00:02:00 2.0
1950-02-28 00:03:00 2.0
1950-06-30 00:00.00 0.0
1950-06-30 00:01.00 0.0
1950-06-30 00:02.00 0.0
1950-06-30 00:03.00 0.0
i mean for example that the values corresponding to 1950-01-31 that is in this case is 2.0, it expands to every min of that month and successively
hi, thanks, i have a trouble, i need strictly that the value be in the month that belongs, for example if i use s.resample('T').ffill() i have this in my resultant serie:
2018-03-31 23:24:00 2.0
2018-03-31 23:25:00 2.0
2018-03-31 23:26:00 2.0
2018-03-31 23:27:00 2.0
2018-04-01 23:31:00 2.0
2018-04-01 23:32:00 2.0
2018-04-01 23:33:00 2.0
2018-04-01 23:34:00 2.0
every min of 2018-04 of that month must be 0.0 instead i have 2.0 using s.resample('T').ffill(). resuming in need a serie pasing the monthly values to mins in the respective months since the firts min to last min of that month. (Sorry for my english)
s = pd.Series([2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0], pd.date_range('1950-01-31', periods=6, freq='M'))
Looks as though you only capture the first 4 minutes. So I created an array of timedeltas that range from 0 to 3 minutes.
d = np.arange(4).astype('timedelta64[m]')
s.reindex((s.index.values[:, None] + d).ravel(), method='ffill')
1950-01-31 00:00:00 2
1950-01-31 00:01:00 2
1950-01-31 00:02:00 2
1950-01-31 00:03:00 2
1950-02-28 00:00:00 2
1950-02-28 00:01:00 2
1950-02-28 00:02:00 2
1950-02-28 00:03:00 2
1950-03-31 00:00:00 1
1950-03-31 00:01:00 1
1950-03-31 00:02:00 1
1950-03-31 00:03:00 1
1950-04-30 00:00:00 2
1950-04-30 00:01:00 2
1950-04-30 00:02:00 2
1950-04-30 00:03:00 2
1950-05-31 00:00:00 0
1950-05-31 00:01:00 0
1950-05-31 00:02:00 0
1950-05-31 00:03:00 0
1950-06-30 00:00:00 0
1950-06-30 00:01:00 0
1950-06-30 00:02:00 0
1950-06-30 00:03:00 0
dtype: int64
To capture every minute, do as @Wen suggested