I am using Spree on Rails. My customers would like to add additional notes to their orders when finalizing their shopping carts. For example, they might want to add an internal reference number.
Is there a way to add an additional optional field that customers can enter, either associated with the entire order or with a line item within that order, that will appear in the order display and invoice?
Thank you
First add database column to spree_orders with new migration
rake db:create migration AddIRNToSpreeOrders
and in created migration file
def change
add_column :spree_orders, :irn, :string
Add validation if needed in app/models/spree/order_decorator.rb
Spree::Order.class_eval do
validates_length_of :irn, minimum: 2, maximum: 254, allow_blank: true
Permit your new field in controller's strong params app/controllers/spree/orders_controller_decorator.rb
Spree::OrdersController.class_eval do
def order_params
if params[:order]
params[:order].permit(*permitted_order_attributes, :irn)
Add your new field in orders views by copy and override view file or by defacing https://guides.spreecommerce.org/developer/deface_overrides_tutorial.html