Currently learning TLA+ and have gotten stuck on this simple method to remove a person from a register. Issue seems to be with the permission state from what I can see.
My TLA+ function looks like this and removes a person from the register along with the permissions.
DeRegister(p) ==
/\ p \in register
/\ register' = register \ {p}
/\ permission' = [x \in DOMAIN permission \ {p} |-> permission[x]]
/\ UNCHANGED <<location>>
My typeok that I'm checking against has the following constraints
/\ register \subseteq PERSON
/\ permission \in [register -> SUBSET BUILDING]
/\ location \in [register -> (BUILDING \union {OUTSIDE})]
I get a model error that typeOK is violated. In the stack trace the error looks like this
/\ location = [p1 |-> OUTSIDE]
/\ permission = << >>
/\ register = {}
Thanks for any insight
Previous state may be of some use which was
/\ location = [p2 |-> OUTSIDE]
/\ permission = [p2 |-> {}]
/\ register = {"p2"}
location \in [register -> SUBSET BUILDING]
means (among other things) that DOMAIN location = register
. After DeRegister
, though, you have DOMAIN location = {"pq"} /\ register = {}
, which violates your invariant.