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Sync max min between many highcharts charts (in real time)

First of all I know about the sync tables example here:

This is good but in my tables the Y axis is the same for all of the charts, the only problem is that each few seconds I dynamically add a point to each graph so I am looking for a way to have the same min and max for all of the charts (easier to compare).

I hooked into the afterSetExtremes()
And then calculated the min of all the mins and the max of all the maxes (from all the charts together) and I forced it as the new min and max for all the charts.

The problem is that once I use setExtremes:
Highcharts will stop calculating new mins and maxes which means that if the data in all of my charts is starting to shrink the max won't get re-calculated ever so the graphs will look kinda bad and hard to read (imagine max of 10k with data that is now around 1k in all of the charts).

I have an idea on how to solve it by reading the dataMin and dataMax props from highcharts for all the charts I have on my page and then calculating the min and max by myself each X seconds, my problem is that highcharts has some interesting way to calculate the max and min from dataMin and dataMax and I didn't find where it is defined or how I can use that function.

For example if in highcharts dataMax is 16442 then I believe the max would be 17500, I am not sure the exact logic that highcharts is doing there but I would like to keep the exact same behaviour.

1) What is the best way to sync min and max (Y axis) for different charts (but same units)?
2) If my solution here is the best approach then how can I use highcharts inner setMax from dataMax logic?

Thanks in advance!


  • It seems that you used setExtremes in the wrong place. Please take a look at my approach below, the charts have the same yAxis min and max every time you add a point:

    function synchronizeCharts() {
        var charts = Highcharts.charts,
        Highcharts.each(charts, function(chart) {
            min = min ? Math.min(min, chart.yAxis[0].min) : chart.yAxis[0].min;
            max = max ? Math.max(max, chart.yAxis[0].max) : chart.yAxis[0].max;
        Highcharts.each(charts, function(chart){
            if (chart.yAxis[0].min !== min || chart.yAxis[0].max !== max) {
                chart.yAxis[0].setExtremes(min, max);

    Live demo:


    If you still need to find out how Highcharts calculate extremes, you can look at the source code: