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How to create a new SQL table with Mean, Median, and Mode?

Ok, so I am a new to SQL that's why I am asking this question.

I have got a table called: kpi_notification_metrics_per_month This table has 2 columns:

  • Date
  • NotificationCount

I want to create a brand new table that will show

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode

For the NotificationCount column.

Example table:

Date    NotificationCount
01/04/2018 00:00    0
31/03/2018 00:00    0
25/03/2018 00:00    0
24/03/2018 00:00    0
22/03/2018 00:00    0
18/03/2018 00:00    0
17/03/2018 00:00    0
14/03/2018 00:00    0
11/03/2018 00:00    0
07/04/2018 00:00    1
26/03/2018 00:00    1
21/03/2018 00:00    1
15/03/2018 00:00    1
13/03/2018 00:00    1
12/03/2018 00:00    1
10/03/2018 00:00    1
08/04/2018 00:00    2
30/03/2018 00:00    2
09/03/2018 00:00    2
08/03/2018 00:00    2
20/03/2018 00:00    3
19/03/2018 00:00    4
02/04/2018 00:00    9
23/03/2018 00:00    11
27/03/2018 00:00    22
03/04/2018 00:00    28
28/03/2018 00:00    34
04/04/2018 00:00    39
05/04/2018 00:00    43
29/03/2018 00:00    47
06/04/2018 00:00    50
16/03/2018 00:00    140

Expected results:

Mean    Median  Mode
13.90625    1   0


  • Mean: Use Avg()

    Select Avg(NotificationCount)
    From   kpi_notification_metrics_per_month

    Median: Order by ASC and DESC for TOP 50 Percent of data, find the middle one.

    Select ((
            Select Top 1 NotificationCount
            From   (
                    Select  Top 50 Percent NotificationCount
                    From    kpi_notification_metrics_per_month
                    Where   NotificationCount Is NOT NULL
                    Order By NotificationCount
                    ) As A
            Order By NotificationCountDESC) + 
            Select Top 1 NotificationCount
            From   (
                    Select  Top 50 Percent NotificationCount
                    From    kpi_notification_metrics_per_month
                    Where   NotificationCount Is NOT NULL
                    Order By NotificationCount DESC
                    ) As A
            Order By NotificationCount Asc)) / 2

    Mode: Get counts of each value set and get the top 1 row in DESC order.

    SELECT TOP 1 with ties NotificationCount
    FROM   kpi_notification_metrics_per_month
    WHERE  NotificationCount IS Not NULL
    GROUP  BY NotificationCount

    All worked in Sql Server 2014.
