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HTML Comments Markup

I am currently in the process of creating my own blog and I have got to marking up the comments, but what is the best way to mark it up?

The information I need to present is:

  1. Persons Name
  2. Gravatar Icon
  3. Comment Date
  4. The Comment

PS: I'm only interested in semantic HTML markup.


  • I think that your version with the cite, blockquote, etc. would definitely work, but if semantics is your main concern then I personally wouldn't use cite and blockquote as they have specific things that they are supposed to represent.

    The blockquote tag is meant to represent a quotation taken from another source and the cite tag is meant to represent a source of information (like a magazine, newspaper, etc.).

    I think an argument can certainly made that you can use semantic HTML with class names, provided they are meaningful. This article on Plain Old Semantic HTML makes a reference to using class names -