Picocli offers the ability to add a nice header in the @Command
annotation, for example:
@Command(name = "git-star", header = {
"@|green _ _ _ |@",
"@|green __ _(_) |_ __| |_ __ _ _ _ |@",
"@|green / _` | | _(_-< _/ _` | '_| |@",
"@|green \\__, |_|\\__/__/\\__\\__,_|_| |@",
"@|green |___/ |@"},
description = "Shows GitHub stars for a project",
mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "git-star 0.1")
How do I always show that header/banner when the program is running, without duplicating this banner in two places?
(See also https://github.com/remkop/picocli/issues/517)
There are two aspects to this:
You can get the banner from the usage help message, either with new CommandLine(new App()).getCommandSpec().usageHelpMessage().header()
or by injecting a @Spec
annotated CommandSpec
field in your application.
To render the ANSI styles, use CommandLine.Help.Ansi.AUTO.string(line)
for each banner line.
Putting it all together:
@Command(name = "git-star", header = {
"@|green _ _ _ |@",
"@|green __ _(_) |_ __| |_ __ _ _ _ |@",
"@|green / _` | | _(_-< _/ _` | '_| |@",
"@|green \\__, |_|\\__/__/\\__\\__,_|_| |@",
"@|green |___/ |@"},
description = "Shows GitHub stars for a project",
mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "git-star 0.1")
class GitStar implements Runnable {
@Option(names = "-c")
int count;
@Spec CommandSpec spec;
// prints banner every time the command is invoked
public void run() {
String[] banner = spec.usageHelpMessage().header();
// or: String[] banner = new CommandLine(new GitStar())
// .getCommandSpec().usageHelpMessage().header();
for (String line : banner) {
// business logic here...
public static void main(String[] args) {
CommandLine.run(new GitStar(), args);