I am trying to SUBSCRIBE to a watcher list and the server frequently responds with 486 BUSY HERE. However, the RFCs describe 486 as a possible response for an INVITE, which make more sense for this response.
At other times, the server does respond correctly - with a 200 OK, followed by a NOTIFY request.
I am working with an ALU IMS core.
Has anyone seen this issue?
SUBSCRIBE sip:yyyyyyyyyyy@example.com;transport=TCP SIP/2.0
Call-ID: 81fcd7229c882f230c726e21f16aadc9@
From: "XXXX" <sip:yyyyyyyyyyy@example.com>;tag=92521573
To: <sip:yyyyyyyyyyy@example.com>
Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK68630e2ec7c21d2e991854010b7f64543332
Max-Forwards: 70
Contact: <sip:yyyyyyyyyyy@;transport=TCP>;+g.oma.sip-im;expires=3600
User-Agent: My Android Client/OMA1.0
Require: pref
Supported: replaces,100rel,eventlist,timer
Event: presence.winfo
Accept: application/watcherinfo+xml
Route: <sip:yyyyyyyyyyy@z.z.z.z:5060;transport=TCP;lr>
Expires: 3600
Content-Length: 0
The thing to remember with SIP response codes is there are no hard and fast rules about which specific response code should be used in all situations. Invariably a real World error condition on a SIP server or UAS does not fall neatly into the definition of one of the SIP failure response codes so the closest one is used and the status message may be customised and/or a Warning header added.
The 486 response is a little bit unusual for a SUBSCRIBE request but it could easily make sense. For example if the SIP notification server maintaining the subscriptions has a limit on how many active subscriptions it will maintain or if it's overloaded and doesn't want to process subscription requests for a while.
I'd have a closer look at the 486 response and see if there is a Warning or any other informational type header. Also check whether the response is coming from the intermediate proxy you are using or the end server.