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trying to make an Rest call (PUT) with powershell

I am trying to change the course code via the canvas api. I can get it to work in bash with the example the give

curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer w3KhVblthisisnottoken5LmhlnUorFM8NJMh0' \ \
-d 'course[course_code]=holla!' \

I try to reproduce this in powershell. The call goes through, but it does not do anything!

function Update-CanvasCourseName(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $CourseId, 
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][object] $header, 
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $url,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $name
    $uri = "$url$CourseId"
    $body = @{"course[course_code]" = $name}
    Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $header -Body $body -Method put  -Uri $uri

$header  = @{"Authorization"="Bearer $(C:\PowerShells\decryptText.ps1 -FilePath C:\Credentials\canvasapi.txt)"}
$course = 9066
$url = ""
Update-CanvasCourseName -CourseId $course -header $header -url $url -name "please work"

has anyone have this issue before? IS there something in my code that I am doing wrong? I cannot reproduce what I can do in curl.


The problem was that I was using the wrong content type. For Canvas LMS, multipart/form-data must be selected when doing a PUT call.


  • The problem was that I was using the wrong content type. For Canvas LMS, multipart/form-data must be selected when doing a PUT call.