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Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore - How to use sequence to set PK column value?

I'm using Entity Framework Core 2.1.4 with Oracle 11 database and Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore provider. Database first approach.

I want to get from sequence value for ID column (primary key) on inserting without setting this explicitly every time. So, based on similar infos with SQL Server, I did it as following:


public class Foo
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public double Value { get; set; }

Mapping (OnModelCreating method)

modelBuilder.HasSequence<int>("SEQ_FOOS", schema: "SCHEMA")

modelBuilder.Entity<Foo>(entity =>
    entity.HasKey(e => e.Id);
    entity.Property(e => e.Id).ForOracleHasColumnName("ID").IsRequired().ForOracleHasDefaultValueSql("SELECT SEQ_FOO.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL");
    entity.Property(e => e.Value).HasColumnName("VALUE");

Adding value:

using (var dbContext = new FooDbContext())
    var foo = new Foo()
        Value = 5

On SaveChanges:

OracleException: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCHEMA"."FOOS"."ID")

I also logged EF query. As you can see, there is no ID column in insert:

  VALUES (:p0)

I was trying to use simply SEQ_FOO.NEXTVAL instead of full select or default EF methods (like HasDefaultValueSql) but nothing worked. Even if I type:


There is no errors with this - only the same exception as above. It seems like EF never call that SQL.

Am I missing something important? Or maybe it's internal Devart problem?


  • Ok, I have solution. It seems we need to use ValueGenerator. My implementation below.


    entity.Property(e => e.Id)
          .HasValueGenerator((_, __) => new SequenceValueGenerator(_defaultSchema, "SEQ_FOOS"));

    SequenceValueGenerator (please note that ValueGenerator is EF Core type)

    internal class SequenceValueGenerator : ValueGenerator<int>
        private string _schema;
        private string _sequenceName;
        public SequenceValueGenerator(string schema, string sequenceName)
            _schema = schema;
            _sequenceName = sequenceName;
        public override bool GeneratesTemporaryValues => false;
        public override int Next(EntityEntry entry)
            using (var command = entry.Context.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand())
                command.CommandText = $"SELECT {_schema}.{_sequenceName}.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL";
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    return reader.GetInt32(0);

    It seems to work as I needed.