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rewrite a correlated subqueries in ef core 2.1

Is there a way i can rewrite this query so it is not a correlated subqueries ?

var query = (from o in dbcontext.Orders
                             let lastStatus = o.OrderStatus.Where(x => x.OrderId == o.Id).OrderByDescending(x => x.CreatedDate).FirstOrDefault()
                             where lastStatus.OrderId != 1
                             select new { o.Name, lastStatus.Id }

This resulted in:

 SELECT [o].[Name], (
          SELECT TOP(1) [x0].[Id]
          FROM [OrderStatus] AS [x0]
          WHERE ([x0].[OrderId] = [o].[Id]) AND ([o].[Id] = [x0].[OrderId])
          ORDER BY [x0].[CreatedDate] DESC
      ) AS [Id]
      FROM [Orders] AS [o]
      WHERE (
          SELECT TOP(1) [x].[OrderId]
          FROM [OrderStatus] AS [x]
          WHERE ([x].[OrderId] = [o].[Id]) AND ([o].[Id] = [x].[OrderId])
          ORDER BY [x].[CreatedDate] DESC
      ) <> 1

I have tried to do a join on a subquery but EF 2.1 is doing weird things... not what I expected;

     var query = (from o in dbcontext.Orders
                     join lastStat in (from os in dbcontext.OrderStatus
                                       orderby os.CreatedDate descending
                                       select new { os }
                                       ) on o.Id equals lastStat.os.OrderId
                     where lastStat.os.StatusId != 1
                     select new { o.Name, lastStat.os.StatusId }).ToList();


  • In EF6 replacing

    let x = (...).FirstOrDefault()


    from x in (...).Take(1).DefaultIfEmpty()

    usually generates better SQL.

    So normally I would suggest

    var query = (from o in db.Set<Order>()
                 from lastStatus in o.OrderStatus
                     .OrderByDescending(s => s.CreatedDate)
                 where lastStatus.Id != 1
                 select new { o.Name, StatusId = lastStatus.Id }

    (no need of DefaultIfEmpty (left join) because the where condition will turn it to inner join anyway).

    Unfortunately currently (EF Core 2.1.4) there is a translation issue so the above leads to client evaluation.

    The current workaround is to replace the navigation property accessor o.OrderStatus with correlated subquery:

    var query = (from o in db.Set<Order>()
                 from lastStatus in db.Set<OrderStatus>()
                     .Where(s => o.Id == s.OrderId)
                     .OrderByDescending(s => s.CreatedDate)
                 where lastStatus.Id != 1
                 select new { o.Name, StatusId = lastStatus.Id }

    which produces the following SQL for SqlServer database (lateral join):

      SELECT [o].[Name], [t].[Id] AS [StatusId]
      FROM [Orders] AS [o]
          SELECT TOP(1) [s].*
          FROM [OrderStatus] AS [s]
          WHERE [s].[OrderId] = [o].[Id]
          ORDER BY [s].[CreatedDate] DESC
      ) AS [t]
      WHERE [t].[Id] <> 1