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Matlab construct of classdef with constraints

I have this

classdef what

properties ( ... )

methods (Access=public) 

  function obj = what(...) ... end % constructor   
  function test = Test1() ... end    
  function test = Test2() ... end

The constructor has a lot of constraints in it such that when I create the what it fails if the conditions are not met, the constraints are tested by calling Test1 and Test2.

I have stored the test functions also under methods, and I want these to be hidden so that they don't show up outside the classdef. but I get thrown an error for Test1 and Test2.

I want these Test functions to be private, hidden, and only related to this class but I also want it to be call-able when using the constructor function found in methods, My question is: what would be the 'correct' place and method to store these functions.

I am currently getting an error when I use the constructor function, however, if I add the functions in the bottom of the page outside the classdef then the functions work but I am not sure if this is good practice and why I can't have the test functions in the method section.


  • There are several ways to deal with this.

    1. In general, private functions are placed inside a methods (Access = private) block. Sometimes they can also be made static, if this makes sense. Private methods can also be placed in a separate folder.

      classdef what
      methods % no properties here
        function obj = what(varargin) % constructor
          out = obj.Test1(in); % object method calling example
      methods (Access = private)
        function tf = Test1(varargin)
        % etc ...
    2. If these functions are only ever used by the constructor, you can make them nested:

      classdef what
      methods % no properties here
        function obj = what(varargin) % constructor
          out = Test1(in); % no need for "obj" here
            function tf = Test1(varargin)
            end % Test1
        end % constructor
      end % methods
    3. As mentioned by Cris, you can also put functions after the classdef block:

      classdef what
      function tf = Test1(varargin)

    The suggestions above should solve your problem. Now for some other comments:

    1. It's probably not a goot idea to name your class what, as this is a name of a builtin MATLAB function.
    2. While it is possible to set a private method block to be Hidden, this is generally not needed in order to "hide" private methods, as these are not visible outside the class anyway.
    3. I would personally suggest sticking to a certain naming convention (e.g. Pascal or Java) (this is referring to the class name which is lowercase as opposed to the "Test" methods which are uppercase).
    4. If you're fairly new to MATLAB OOP, you might want to read about Handle Classes.