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Why Jasper Reports shows empty report in server, but generates correctly in jasper studio

I am using Jasper Studio 6.6.0 and Jasper server 7.1.

I have created a simple report with an image from a specified URL.

It generates correctly in Jasper Studio, but in the server it shows empty.

Please refer images attached:

Server Screenshot server screenshot Jasper Screenshot jaspersoft screenshot


  • If you want to show something in the JasperReport without data source or with empty data source then you have two options:

    1) Set the When No Data Type property on All Section No Detail option in the Jasper Studio: When No Data Type

    In JRXML it can be done by setting whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" attribute on the root <jasperReport> element.

    2) Or you can move content you want to show when there is no data into No Data band of the report: No Data Band

    In JRXML it it can be done by adding of this:

        <band height="110">
                <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="240" height="110" uuid="d4b9e59b-896e-4881-92a2-c6707c975312"/>

    JasperReport renders blank page when there are no data as a default and JasperServer shows The report is empty, so select from above options one you prefer to be able to show the image you want.