I am inserting into a table like this
Admin = {}
table.insert(Admins, {id = playerId, Count = 0})
And that works fine.
How do I remove that specific admin from that table now?
The following does not work, and Im sure its because ID is stored in an array that's inside of the table, but how would I access that then?
table.remove(Admins, playerId)
Basically, I want to remove from the table Admins, where the ID == playerId that I input.
There are two approaches to remove an entry from the table, both are acceptable ways:
1. myTable[index] = nil
Removes an entry from given index, but adds a hole in the table by maintaining the indices
local Admins = {}
table.insert(Admins, {id = 10, Count = 0})
table.insert(Admins, {id = 20, Count = 1})
table.insert(Admins, {id = 30, Count = 2})
table.insert(Admins, {id = 40, Count = 3})
local function removebyKey(tab, val)
for i, v in ipairs (tab) do
if (v.id == val) then
tab[i] = nil
-- Before
-- [1] = {['Count'] = 0, ['id'] = 10},
-- [2] = {['Count'] = 1, ['id'] = 20},
-- [3] = {['Count'] = 2, ['id'] = 30},
-- [4] = {['Count'] = 3, ['id'] = 40}}
removebyKey(Admins, 20)
-- After
-- [1] = {['Count'] = 0, ['id'] = 10},
-- [3] = {['Count'] = 2, ['id'] = 30},
-- [4] = {['Count'] = 3, ['id'] = 40}
2. table.remove(myTable, index)
Removes the entry from given index and renumbering the indices
local function getIndex(tab, val)
local index = nil
for i, v in ipairs (tab) do
if (v.id == val) then
index = i
return index
local idx = getIndex(Admins, 20) -- id = 20 found at idx = 2
if idx == nil then
print("Key does not exist")
table.remove(Admins, idx) -- remove Table[2] and shift remaining entries
-- Before is same as above
-- After entry is removed. Table indices are changed
-- [1] = {['id'] = 10, ['Count'] = 0},
-- [2] = {['id'] = 30, ['Count'] = 2},
-- [3] = {['id'] = 40, ['Count'] = 3}