I was developing a Restful service using CXF + spring boot. and had problems with CORS setting
I set CORS on service definition interface (GateRs)
allowAllOrigins = true,
allowHeaders = {
"Accept", "Accept-Charset", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Datetime",
"Accept-Language", "Authorization", "Content-Language", "Content-Length",
"Content-Type", "Origin", "User-Agent"},
exposeHeaders = {
"Accept", "Accept-Charset", "Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Datetime",
"Accept-Language", "Authorization", "Content-Language", "Content-Length",
"Content-Type", "Origin", "User-Agent"},
allowCredentials = true,
maxAge = 1209600 )
public interface GateRs {
public Res require(Req req);
implement interface with a class
public class Gate implements GateRs {
public Res require(Req req) {
attach the 'CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter' to the service bean
public CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter cors() {
return new CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter();
@Bean(destroyMethod = "destroy") @DependsOn(Bus.DEFAULT_BUS_ID)
public Server jaxRsServer() {
final JAXRSServerFactoryBean factory = new JAXRSServerFactoryBean();
factory.setServiceBean(new Gate());
factory.setProviders(Arrays.asList(jackson(), cors()));
return factory.create();
the client is a mobile application based on Ionic, and emulated by Chrome browser.
the '/Gate/require' returned '404' becasue CORS failed with no " Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header.
I looked into the detail; and found out that the preflight ('OPTIONS') actually succeed; the "POST" failed, triggered the above mentioned messages
the preflight(OPTIONS)
the POST failed; it appears that the server side had not presented 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response message
does anyone has any idea or suggestion?
I finally solved the problem by changing the '@CrossOriginResourceSharing' as follows:
allowAllOrigins = true,
allowCredentials = true,
maxAge = 1209600 )
public interface GateRs {