Using Alfresco Community - 5.0.0 version.
Below query using Solr returned result :
1st Query : select cmis:objectId from TEST:doc where TEST:docType = 'Type1'
But we want the case-insensitive search if there are docType value 'type1' || 'TYPE1' || 'tYpe1' || 'Type1' then it should give same number of records.
The 2nd Query works fine while "Trying DB query DbOrIndexSwitchingQueryLanguage" fetch, but "Using SOLR query DbOrIndexSwitchingQueryLanguage" not returning any result.
2nd Query: select cmis:objectId from TEST:doc where LOWER(TEST:docType) = 'type1'
But while using LOWER it's execution time is much higher. For example, if the 1st query takes 10ms then 2nd takes around 3 seconds.
What is the syntax to search in Alfresco Solr case insensitive or is there another way to resolve this performance issue?
It is not possible to make a CMIS search case-insensitive when using Alfresco as the CMIS repository. Here is a thread in the Alfresco forums that discusses this issue.