So basically, I really want a VBS text box with buttons "Abort", "Retry", and "Cancel". Cancel and abort will just close the box, but if retry is pressed it will open up a different file on my computer.
In code words, kinda like this:
InputBox("sampleText", "sampleText")
If RETRY==Pressed goto :loop1
exit & start sampleText.bat
Else goto :loop2
Also, I'm very inept at coding things like this, so the syntax on this is probably wrong, and apologies for that. Hopefully I got the point across.
The InputBox
builtin dialog doesn't allow specifying which buttons you want to use, but the MsgBox
dialog does. You can't display the combination Abort/Retry/Cancel, though, only Abort/Retry/Ignore.
rc = MsgBox("Message", vbAbortRetryIgnore, "Title")
Select Case rc
Case vbAbort
WScript.Echo "User pressed 'Abort'."
Case vbRetry
WScript.Echo "User pressed 'Retry'."
Case vbIgnore
WScript.Echo "User pressed 'Ignore'."
End Select
If you want a message box with the buttons "Abort", "Retry", and "Cancel", or an input box with buttons other than "OK" and "Cancel", you'd have to build a custom dialog.