Running a responsive single-page app, there are box objects with content. These are intended to have background images. However, for hand-held devices, orientation becomes a problem, as the boxes width and height proportions change.
Detecting devices and viewport sizes has not been a task built on uniform procedures. At appears to me that, assuming users have relatively modern browsers, CSS3 and invoking @media screen and (orientation:landscape)
is the safest bet.
Assuming that images will be cropped in both a horizontal and a vertical version and a tag with orientation-less coding
<div class="box" style='background: url("") no-repeat fixed; background-size: 100% 100%; background-attachment: scroll;'>
How can this be effectively toggled according to orientation?
set a div with a class for the image
<div class="img_a">
Then define the CSS rules for the required images according to orientation or any other media queries you might need to implement
@media screen and (orientation: portrait)
{ div.img_a
{ background: url(https://[...]img_a.jpg) no-repeat fixed; }
[...] }
@media screen and (orientation: landscape)
{ div.img_a
{ background: url(https://[...]img_a_horizontal.jpg) no-repeat fixed; }
[...] }