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Ruby remote partial being rendered twice

I've spent this afternoon moving code around, trying different things, etc but am unable to solve my (probably simple) problem. I have a button on my index layout that displays a partial form in a modal dialogue to a) create new entries or b) edit existing ones. I'm using the materialize, simple form and client side validation gems.

When I click the button for a new entry the modal appears twice, which looks a bit rubbish but more importantly when I try to save an entry two POST requests are made.

Obviously, I just want the form partial to be rendered once... but I can't work out why its happening twice.

Thanks all for your help, let me know if you need any more than what I have provided below.

This is the button code in the index.html.erb layout

<div class="fixed-action-btn">

    <%= link_to "<i class='material-icons'>add</i>".html_safe, 
    new_patient_path, :remote => true, :id => 'new_patient_link', 
    :class => "btn-floating btn-large red" %>


Which then loads the javascript in new.js.erb

$('#modal_partial').html('<%= escape_javascript(render('form')) %>');

That subsequently renders the _form.html.erb partial into the following div (which is stored in a shared/_footer.html.erb partial and sits at the bottom of the index page.

<div id="form_modal_wrap">
  <div id="modal_partial" class="modal modal-fixed-footer">

And the _form.html.erb partial:

<div id="edit_patient_modal" class="";>
<%= simple_form_for @patient, validate: true, remote: true do |f| %>

  <div class="modal-content" style="padding: 0px;">

    <h4 class="col s12" style="margin: 0px; padding: 10px 25px;">New Patient</h4>

    <%= f.error_notification %>

    <div class="row">

      <div class="col s12" style="padding: 0px;">

        <ul class="tabs" style="padding: 0px;">

          <li class="tab col"><a class="active"  href="#demographics">Demographics</a></li>
          <li class="tab col"><a class="active"  href="#admission">Admission</a></li>
          <li class="tab col"><a href="#presentation">Presentation</a></li>
          <li class="tab col"><a href="#jobs">Jobs</a></li>
          <li class="tab col"><a href="#results">Results</a></li>



      <div id="demographics" class="col s12" style="padding: 20px;">

        <%= f.input :nhs, :label => "NHS"  %>

        <%= f.input :fname, :label => "Firstname" %>
        <%= f.input :lname, :label => "Lastname", validate: { presence: true, uniqueness: false }  %>
        <%= f.input :dob, :label => "DOB", as: :date, start_year: - 110,
                          end_year: - 12,
                          order: [:day, :month, :year] %>

        <%= f.input :mrn, :label => "MRN" %>


      <div id="admission" class="col s12" style="padding:20px;" >

        <%= f.association :location %>
        <%= f.input :bed, :label => "Bed" %>
        <%= f.association :team, input_html: { multiple: true } %>


      <div id="presentation" class="col s12" style="padding:20px;">

        <%= f.input :dx, :label => "Dx" %>
        <%= f.input :pmh, :label => "PMH" %>


      <div id="jobs" class="col s12" style="padding:20px">

        <p>This job list is shared between all teams.</p>
        <%= f.input :jobs, :label => "Jobs" %>


      <div id="results" class="col s12" style="padding:20px;">

        <% @patient.results.each do |result| %>
              <%= Investigation.find(result.investigation_id).group %>
              <%= Investigation.find(result.investigation_id).short %>
              <%= result.value %>
              <%= %>
        <% end %>



  <div class="modal-footer"> 

    <a id="modal_close" href="#!" class="modal-close waves-effect waves-pink btn-flat">Cancel</a>
    <%= f.button :submit, :class => "waves-effect btn" %>


<% end -%>

The following javascript is in the bottom of the _form.html.erb partial:

    $('#modal_partial .tabs').tabs();
    $('#modal_partial select').formSelect();

  $("#modal_close").on("click", function(e) {



  • So I worked out what I'd done in the end...

    in application.js I had added both of the following:

    //= require jquery_ujs
    //= require rails-ujs

    By removing either one of these the modals only appeared once. After reading the documentation I only need rails-ujs as it performs the same functions as jquery_ujs, but without having a dependency upon jquery. It does not mean that you can't still have jquery as an independent requirement (as I still do).

    So the solution was to delete the line //= require jquery-ujs and just have the following:

    //= require rails-ujs

    Thanks lacostenycoder for you help