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How to calculate mean per group from list of data.tables?

Let's say we have a list of data.table's like this:

dt <- data.table(x=rnorm(10^6,100,10), letters=sample(LETTERS,10^6,T))
myList <- list(dt1=dt,dt2=dt,dt3=dt,dt4=dt,dt5=dt)

If I wanted a solution that would calculate the mean per group across all data.tables, I could do the following:

bigDT <- rbindlist(myList)

With my data, however, each dt is quite large (millions of rows) and each list is substantial as well (500-1000 dt in each list). There are also considerably more than two options for the by choice.

Part of a function I plan on optimizing using genetic algorithms requires computing the above mean by group. I was wondering if there was a more efficient solution than rbind-ing the list before using data.table's ability to calculate per group? Otherwise, the maximization algorithm will makes many function calls to this potentially bottlenecking calculation.

Any help would be appreciated!

Unit: milliseconds
     expr     min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
 doThis() 151.512 154.3395 174.8071 167.7151 170.2952 440.9359   100


  • One method is to computed the grouped means for each table within the list, then bind, then compute a weighted mean of them. Since you have different counts of each letter, you'll need to preserve the .N as well.

    I'm going to change each element of the list so that we can verify the weighted-mean calculations. For reproducibility:

    myList <- replicate(5, data.table(x=rnorm(10^6,100,10), letters=sample(LETTERS,10^6,T)),
    # [[1]]
    #                  x letters
    #       1:  93.73546       P
    #       2: 101.83643       I
    #       3:  91.64371       F
    #       4: 115.95281       V
    #       5: 103.29508       D
    #      ---                  
    #  999996: 109.24487       Q
    #  999997:  99.86486       K
    #  999998:  93.95941       J
    #  999999: 116.28763       O
    # 1000000: 106.93750       E
    # [[2]]
    #                  x letters
    #       1:  97.53576       R
    #       2: 105.27503       T
    #       3: 107.53592       L
    #       4: 102.21228       M
    #       5:  98.71087       G
    #      ---                  
    #  999996: 109.46843       C
    #  999997:  99.14458       M
    #  999998:  96.76845       Y
    #  999999:  94.22413       E
    # 1000000:  98.25855       K

    To do this for just one table:

    head(myList[[1]][,.(mu = mean(x), n = .N), keyby=letters])
    #    letters        mu     n
    # 1:       A 100.04987 39005
    # 2:       B 100.01288 38576
    # 3:       C  99.97402 38547
    # 4:       D  99.99909 38460
    # 5:       E 100.03689 38030
    # 6:       F 100.02697 38293

    First, compute the averages per-list-element:

    myAgg <- rbindlist(lapply(myList, function(d) d[,.(mu = mean(x), n = .N), keyby="letters"]))

    Now do the weighted-mean either manually or with Hmisc::wtd.mean:

      # just to verify the below answer is the same as the brute-force method of rbind-then-average
      rbindlist(myList)[,.(mu = mean(x)), keyby=letters],
      # either of these is your answer
      myAgg[,.(mu = sum(n*mu)/sum(n)),keyby=letters],
      myAgg[,.(mu = Hmisc::wtd.mean(mu, weights=n)),keyby=letters]
    #     letters        mu letters        mu letters        mu
    #  1:       A 100.02325       A 100.02325       A 100.02325
    #  2:       B 100.03473       B 100.03473       B 100.03473
    #  3:       C 100.00688       C 100.00688       C 100.00688
    #  4:       D 100.04041       D 100.04041       D 100.04041
    #  5:       E 100.00780       E 100.00780       E 100.00780
    #  6:       F 100.01202       F 100.01202       F 100.01202
    #  7:       G 100.01200       G 100.01200       G 100.01200
    #  8:       H  99.97232       H  99.97232       H  99.97232
    #  9:       I 100.00495       I 100.00495       I 100.00495
    # 10:       J 100.03019       J 100.03019       J 100.03019
    # 11:       K  99.96851       K  99.96851       K  99.96851
    # 12:       L 100.01850       L 100.01850       L 100.01850
    # 13:       M 100.00976       M 100.00976       M 100.00976
    # 14:       N 100.01299       N 100.01299       N 100.01299
    # 15:       O 100.02108       O 100.02108       O 100.02108
    # 16:       P 100.02052       P 100.02052       P 100.02052
    # 17:       Q 100.03814       Q 100.03814       Q 100.03814
    # 18:       R  99.99013       R  99.99013       R  99.99013
    # 19:       S  99.95219       S  99.95219       S  99.95219
    # 20:       T  99.97721       T  99.97721       T  99.97721
    # 21:       U  99.96310       U  99.96310       U  99.96310
    # 22:       V  99.94430       V  99.94430       V  99.94430
    # 23:       W  99.98877       W  99.98877       W  99.98877
    # 24:       X 100.07352       X 100.07352       X 100.07352
    # 25:       Y  99.96677       Y  99.96677       Y  99.96677
    # 26:       Z  99.99397       Z  99.99397       Z  99.99397
    #     letters        mu letters        mu letters        mu

    Quick benchmarking, for comparison:

      bruteforce = rbindlist(myList)[,.(mu = mean(x)), keyby=letters],
      # either of these is your answer
      baseR = {
        myAgg <- rbindlist(lapply(myList, function(d) d[,.(mu = mean(x), n = .N), keyby="letters"]))
        myAgg[,.(mu = sum(n*mu)/sum(n)),keyby=letters]
      Hmisc =  {
        myAgg <- rbindlist(lapply(myList, function(d) d[,.(mu = mean(x), n = .N), keyby="letters"]))
        myAgg[,.(mu = Hmisc::wtd.mean(mu, weights=n)),keyby=letters]
    # Unit: milliseconds
    #        expr      min       lq      mean    median       uq      max neval
    #  bruteforce 131.8770 139.4562 153.93202 151.95375 159.6329 315.6117    50
    #       baseR  89.7047  93.3623 109.20174  98.11670 115.0171 268.2517    50
    #       Hmisc  89.2784  91.5927  97.87455  93.73475  98.1655 119.2671    50