I am having trouble testing out push notifications using the C2DM service.
I am using Lars' example until "3.4. Register your application" to set up my android test project. I successfully get the Registration ID from the device.
Then I successfully get the Auth token via my server using the following curl:
curl https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin -d Email=theEmailYouWhitelisted -d Passwd=pass****word -d accountType=HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE -d source=Google-cURL-Example -d service=ac2dm
So now I have the two main components to push. So for the purpose of testing I issue another curl to send a message (I am going to implement the auth token generation, and sending of message in php once I get it functional).
I use:
curl --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=**authFromRegistrationAbove**" "https://android.apis.google.com/c2dm/send" -d registration_id=**phoneRegistrationId(reciever)** -d "data.message=HelloPush" -d collapse_key=something -k
This is where I am, and confused. I successfully got my Auth Token using my white listed email / pw registered and accepted into the C2DM program via my client server. Then compiled Lars' project to generate my devices registration id, but once they are used together I get the not registered error above, and no push notification.
Ideas? Comment if you need anymore information and I'll update the post. Thanks.
If you follow me example you should maintain your registered C2DM user (Email address) in the Text Field in RegisterActivity.This must be the same as in the CURL thing. Also make sure you copy the authentication string correctly.