I am currently in the process of learning smart pointers and try to avoid using raw pointers.
I have a vector with shared ptrs
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<View>> mChildren;
and an Add and Remove method
void View::AddChild(std::shared_ptr<View> view) {
void View::RemoveChild(std::shared_ptr<View> view) {
auto removal = std::remove(mChildren.begin(), mChildren.end(), view);
mChildren.erase(removal, mChildren.end());
Now in another part of my code I have a map
std::map<std::weak_ptr<ModelGem>,std::unique_ptr<ViewGem>,std::owner_less<std::weak_ptr<ModelGem>>> mViews;
Now when I try to remove elements from the map like this:
for (auto iterator = mViews.begin(); iterator != mViews.end();)
if (iterator->first.expired())
iterator = mViews.erase(iterator);
Now the problem lies here : iterator->second.get()
It tells me it cannot convert the rvalue of type pointer to shared ptr.
However if I use raw pointers instead of shared pointers this is not an issue at at all.
So, I am wondering if in this case it would be better to just use raw pointers or can I work around this with shared pointers?
So, I am wondering if in this case it would be better to just use raw pointers or can I work around this with shared pointers?
In most cases there is only one right pointer type to use. It is not like one is better than the other. There is only one correct way.
The map holds an unique_ptr<ViewGem>
. That means it takes complete ownership and is not sharing with any other datastructure. So it is not possible to have the same object in the vector<shared_ptr...>
without causing undefined behavior. You have to decide which ds has owner ship,
in map and raw ptr in vectorunique_ptr
in vector and raw ptr in map.shared_ptr
in both.