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SIMILE's timeline and google calendar using JSON instead of XML

Hello: I am trying to use the JavaScript library timeline from SIMILE. So far I have gotten my timeline to work if the data comes from a XML file.

Timeline.loadXML("example.xml", function(xml, url) { eventSource.loadXML(xml, url); });

However, I want to get data from a JSON file instead of an XML file.

Thanks a lot for your help. PS: I am still a rookie in javascript


  • I just figured this out for a project this weekend by checking out the source of the example Cubism timeline on the wiki.

    What you see in that sourcecode is the following:

    tl.loadJSON("cubism.js?"+ (new Date().getTime()), function(json, url) {
      eventSource.loadJSON(json, url);

    There are a few things to note about this. First, tl is your Timeline.create(...) object. Second, the ? and new Date stuff appended to the JSON filename ensure a unique URL on each call to prevent JSON caching.