I adjusted a glm
with family Tweedie
. Right now I need to obtain the adjusted means and standard errors in response scale. So far:
mtcars$am <- as.factor(mtcars$am)
m1 <- glm(hp ~ am, data = mtcars,
family = statmod::tweedie(var.power = 2.2,
link.power = 0 #link log
summary(emmeans(m1, "am"), type = "response")
am response SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
0 5.0768 0.11516 Inf 4.8511 5.3025
1 4.8430 0.13600 Inf 4.5764 5.1095
Unknown transformation "mu^0": no transformation done
Confidence level used: 0.95
How to inform that I used a link log()
? How to deal with: "Unknown transformation "mu^0": no transformation done "?
Do this:
emm <- update(emmeans(m1, "am"), tran = "log")
summary(emm, type = "response")
See the vignette in transformations for more details.