I'm receiving the next type error when I'm trying to dispatch an observable of actions in my effect as shown below:
rideSummary$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$.pipe(
map(action => action.payload),
switchMap(payload => {
const { ride, passenger } = payload;
const allPassengers = [...ride.passengers, passenger];
this.store.dispatch(new SetLoading);
return this.directionService.computeRideRouteSummary(ride, allPassengers)
.then((summary: RideRouteSummary) => {
const updatedRoute = Geometry.newFromData({
type: Geometry.LINE_STRING,
coordinates: summary.route
const totalTime = summary.totalTime;
const arrivalTime = ride.type === Ride.TYPE_TOWORK ?
ride.hour :
ride.hour + summary.totalTime;
const departureTime = ride.type === Ride.TYPE_TOWORK ?
ride.hour - summary.totalTime :
this.store.dispatch(new UnsetLoading);
return this.store.dispatch(new GetRideSummarySuccess({
).catch(error => {
this.store.dispatch(new UnsetLoading);
catchError(() => of(new HandleError(error)));
The type error says:
Unable to assign an argument of type "(payload: {ride: Ride; passenger: Passenger;}) => void" to the type parameter "(value: {ride: Ride; passenger: Passenger;}, index: number) => ObservableInput <Action> ".
The type 'void' can not be assigned to the type 'ObservableInput <Action>'.
I'm not sure what is the problem with the code. Seems to be something related to the promise
. Any help?
The effect is defined as @Effect()
meaning it expects an Action
The quick but dirty fix is to define your effect as @Effect({dispatch: false})
The more proper fix is to remove all of the store dispatches in your effect and return an action.
A quick example would be:
switchMap(payload => {
this.store.dispatch(new FooBar());
switchMap(payload => {
return new FooBar();