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How could I create an opencv matrix with separate rgb channel data

Suppose I have three char arrays r[1024], g[1024], b[1024] which contains the rgb data of one image. How could I create a cv::Mat with these channel data ?


  • Something like this:

    // Create three single channel Mats
    cv::Mat R(rows,cols,CV_8UC1,&r[0]);
    cv::Mat G(rows,cols,CV_8UC1,&g[0]);
    cv::Mat B(rows,cols,CV_8UC1,&b[0]);

    Then merge into single image:

    // Now merge the 3 individual channels into 3-band bad boy
    auto channels = std::vector<cv::Mat>{B, G, R};
    cv::Mat ThreeBandBoy;
    cv::merge(channels, ThreeBandBoy);