I've certain basic docker command which i run in my terminal. Now what i want is to use all the basic docker commands into one docker file and then, build that docker file.
For eg. Consider two docker files File - Docker1, Docker2
Docker1 contains list of commands to run
And inside Docker2 i want to build Docker1 and run it as well
Docker2:(Consider the scenario with demo code)
FROM ubuntu:16.04
MAINTAINER abc@gmail.com
WORKDIR /home/docker_test/
RUN docker build -t Docker1 .
RUN docker run -it Docker1
I want to do something like this. But it is throwing - docker: error response from daemon oci runtime create failed container_linux.go
How can I do this? Where am I going wrong
P.S - I'm new to Docker
Your example is mixing two steps, image creation and running an image, that can't be mixed that way (with a Dockerfile
FROM scratch
ADD rootfs.tar.xz /
CMD ["/bin/sh"]
It's a base image, it's not based on another image, it starts FROM scratch
Then a tar file is copied and unpacked, see ADD and the shell is set as starting command, see CMD. You can build this with
docker build -t test_image .
Issued from the same folder, where the Dockerfile
is. You will also need the rootfs.tar.xz
in that folder, copy it from the alpine link above.
From that test_image
you can now spawn a container with
docker run -it test_image
It will start up and give you the shell inside the container.
Usually there is no need to build your images
over and over again before spawning a new container
. But if you really need to, you can do it with docker-compose
. Docker Compose is intended to define and run a service stack consisting of several containers. The stack is defined in a docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
build: .
build: .
takes care of building the image
again before starting up, but usually it is sufficient to have just image: <image_name>
and use an already existing image.