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jMock Expectations Not Specified

I'm new to jMock, so I'm trying it out on a simple example. I can't figure out why it's not working, though. Here's the class that I'm testing:

package com.application;

import com.domain.Coordinate;
import com.domain.Playable;

public class ChessFacade {

    private final Playable board;

    public ChessFacade(Playable aBoard) {
        board = aBoard;

    public void showPotentialMoves(Coordinate aCoordinate) {


And here's my Mock Object test:

package unit.application;

import application.ChessFacade;
import com.domain.Coordinate;
import com.domain.Playable;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.jmock.Expectations;
import org.jmock.Mockery;
import org.jmock.integration.junit4.JMock;
import org.jmock.integration.junit4.JUnit4Mockery;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class ChessFacadeTest extends TestCase {

    public void testFacadeGetsPotentialMovesFromBoard() {
        Mockery context = new JUnit4Mockery();
        final Playable mockBoard = context.mock(Playable.class);
        ChessFacade facade = new ChessFacade(mockBoard);

        final Coordinate locationToShow = new Coordinate(0, 0);

        context.checking(new Expectations() {{



The error I'm receiving is:

Testcase: testFacadeGetsPotentialMovesFromBoard(unit.application.ChessFacadeTest):        Caused an ERROR
unexpected invocation: playable.getTileOccupancy(<Coordinate{row=0column=0}>)
no expectations specified: did you...
 - forget to start an expectation with a cardinality clause?
 - call a mocked method to specify the parameter of an expectation?
what happened before this: nothing!
java.lang.AssertionError: unexpected invocation: playable.getTileOccupancy(<Coordinate{row=0column=0}>)
no expectations specified: did you...
 - forget to start an expectation with a cardinality clause?
 - call a mocked method to specify the parameter of an expectation?
what happened before this: nothing!
        at org.jmock.internal.InvocationDispatcher.dispatch(
        at org.jmock.internal.InvocationDispatcher.dispatch(
        at org.jmock.Mockery.dispatch(
        at org.jmock.Mockery.access$000(
        at org.jmock.Mockery$MockObject.invoke(
        at org.jmock.internal.InvocationDiverter.invoke(
        at org.jmock.internal.FakeObjectMethods.invoke(
        at org.jmock.lib.JavaReflectionImposteriser$1.invoke(
        at $Proxy0.getTileOccupancy(Unknown Source)
        at application.ChessFacade.showPotentialMoves(
        at unit.application.ChessFacadeTest.testFacadeGetsPotentialMovesFromBoard(


  • You might have to define your expectations before you call the facade method instead of after.